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Remember YOUR "small keed time"?

Those were the good old days! YOU were young, innocent, naive and maybe even a little bit "kolohe" (rascal). When you look back, I bet you cannot help but grin, yeah?  I bet you can just feel a longing oozing up inside of you for a time when life was much simpler. Wherever you live now, if you grew up in Hawaii, you must remember your "hanabuddah days". Eh, no shame ... we all had "hanabuddah".

Eh … right now get choke stories already online written by Hawaiians and Hawaiians at heart. Most all writers had the unique life experience of growing up in Hawaii. That’s why the site is called ”Hanabuddah Days”.

Enjoy these personal stories.



Ho ili ili

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When I was 6, my dad would take me every weekend to go squiding by the Old Sugar Mill in Kahaluu. Riding over and back on the Old Pali Hwy, especially at night was harrowing in our 1941 Plymouth.

We'd get out there in the reef with our squid boxes and I would learn to spot them in the reef. When my dad got one, he'd pull it off the reef, bite the eye off, turn the head pouch inside out, and slap it on our backs. When our backs were full, we had what we needed, a lot of times it was for a

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French Class

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THE CLASS WAS SPLIT in half, with two rows of chairs facing each other. Miss Davies, a heavyset teacher in a tailored blue muumuu, rambled on in Parisian behind a podium fronting the chalkboard. Speaking English was interdit. Students were to keep

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My tutu, Lucill Becky Ka'a was born in 1905 and passed in 1990. She married 3 times, and had 5 wahines and 2 kanes from her 1st husband, and a son, George, and a daughter, Georgette from her 2nd. George has kane and wahine, and Georgette never

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Pukalani Paradise

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Aloha! My name is Aurora, and I was born on Oahu but also grew up on Maui. Living in Hawaii as a child brought me the BEST childhood memories and these stories are what I will be sharing.

We lived upcountry in Pukalani where the view from our backyard were a few homes, miles of sugar cane and the ocean in the distance. At night when the cane fields were burned, the orange glow from the fire was hypnotic. During the day, we would see ashes floating in the sky, and I would jump in the air trying to catch one, hoping to not crush it between my fingers. I loved our home in Pukalani for many reasons.

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Ewa Beach

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Moved to Ewa Beach in 1958 when Damon Tract was being razed. Lived at the end of Papipi Rd, where the gravel road starts. There were 2 houses and trailer. Our house was closest to the reef. My cousin Clayton Haumea and I would go diving in the reef

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Damon Tract

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My dad, mom and I moved to Damon Track in 1953 Went to Kaloaloa, and Kalakaua until we had to move out for the "new airport". Lived on Q road in the back side of a duplex, below Kaimana Rd. Our back yard shared a fence with Asagi's Farm. We grew

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Rabbit Ears

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My fuddah wen get one job in the city and he sed no ways he wuz going drive from North Shore to townside so we stay go move to Punchbowl.  Hoo dat means had foah change school la dat. Junk cuz I had all my frendz from kinny garden in Waialua

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