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Remember YOUR "small keed time"?

Those were the good old days! YOU were young, innocent, naive and maybe even a little bit "kolohe" (rascal). When you look back, I bet you cannot help but grin, yeah?  I bet you can just feel a longing oozing up inside of you for a time when life was much simpler. Wherever you live now, if you grew up in Hawaii, you must remember your "hanabuddah days". Eh, no shame ... we all had "hanabuddah".

Eh … right now get choke stories already online written by Hawaiians and Hawaiians at heart. Most all writers had the unique life experience of growing up in Hawaii. That’s why the site is called ”Hanabuddah Days”.

Enjoy these personal stories.



Farewell Uncle

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I was a young man when my Uncle BoBo,  came into my life.  He was lovable, caring, and outgoing.   My first impression of him was, "Eh! Auntie where you wen find this crazy Puerto-Rican?"  He looked like one of the guys from the "Rat-Pack".

You know the guy with curly hair and "duck tail" hair-do?  But you no can judge somebody, from their looks.

My Uncle was an ex-marine, the bugga was built, short and stocky. His attitude was, yeah you know, "What you looking

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In the Gardens of Sugar and Pineapples, Part Four: An Old Friend Passes and a New Friends Appear

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  It was a month before school started in September. I had one more year and I would be done with 8th grade in Koloa Elementary School. I was very ready for high school. "Eh, you guys think going be hard in high school?" "Yeah, my brother

Read more: In the Gardens of Sugar and Pineapples, Part Four: An Old Friend Passes and a New Friends Appear

Portagee Gun

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Tony was my father-in-law who lived in Kunia pineapple camp and was a truck driver for Del-Monte Corp. During the summer pineapple harvest season he would drive a 'big rig 'to deliver pineapples to the cannery downtown.

The big rig he drove was an

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Life in the Big City

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My Uncle Pat was attending the Hilo Commercial College in the big city of Hilo and he was one person Big Popo (grandpa) trusted. Uncle must have been one nani looking kid because his name was 'Baby' to the whole family. So, to his nieces and

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Who Iz Da Lolo?

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Lass night was sitting around wit some old 'lanai' friends sharing stories about things we did as kids. I was telling about the time me and my friend ran away and someone said "Eh that would make one good story foa da hanabuddah days page." At first

Read more: Who Iz Da Lolo?