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My memories of Hawaii capture my heart with peaceful feelings. Warm thoughts that bring a smile to my face when I'm lonely.

I loved the warm, and sometimes wet, sidewalk slapping against my feet as I ran from our apartment to Uncle William's house. Oh, how the sun warmed my skin, and I don't know why Mom always got upset when I took off my bathing suit, it just wasn't letting the sun caress all of me. Many times I remember people around me blocking the sun, and I suspect I quit smiling until I escaped out of their shadows. (Mom later told me that there were lots of tourists with pictures of a little Hawaiian girl.) Uncle William always met my smile at the door with his, and a towel in-hand that he'd wrap around me, as I sat in front of the TV until Mom came for me, bathing suit in-hand that she had picked up not too far from the front door of our apartment I'm sure.

If I close my eyes I can see the way to the beach, we had to go down and then back up a sidewalk that was sandy and sometimes wet ... and on the beach wood forms in the crystal clear water held the brightly colored fish within reach but they always seemed to escape my tender grasp, I only wanted to hold them for a moment. They would let me swim with them though and seemed to play with me. If Mom wasn't there to watch me it was Uncle William or Mongoose.

I remember when a shark beached on Waikiki, it looked so huge to me and when the movie "Jaws" came out I sure remember that shark! They weren't suppose to be able to do that Mom said, it was very rare, anyway, I will never forget Uncle Mongoose cutting out it's teeth! He gave one to my Mom and one for me. To this day I just like to wade in the shallows of the ocean and dare not venture out into the waters without a boat.

When Uncle Mongoose watched me we would spend the whole day on Waikiki beach! He'd buy me french fries, they seemed huge I remember, and we'd walk the beach and along the cement wall where we'd sit and watch the fish. I know he told me stories, but I just seem to remember liking to listen to his voice without remembering anything except watching the fish swimming playfully for our entertainment, and mostly we'd talk about the fish.

Mom taught me to Hula, and I loved to Hula with her. She danced at the Royal Hawaiian when she wasn't working at the bank of Hawaii. My Dad and brother went to the Mainland to find us a home, it was to be in Fremont, California. However, I remember telling my Mom that she could just unpack my bags! That I would stay with Uncle Mongoose and Uncle William!!

To me, the land and the water are the most alanalohalanis, beautiful gifts of love from heaven, and I feel as part of them ... longing for my return. Oh, the sweet peacefulness, the over-whelming desire for the warm sand tickling my toes and soft waters holding in their womb again...the HA, breath of life, to face, ALO. ALOHA to each and every one of you reading my dear story.

About Author

From the Sandy Beach of Waikiki until I was about 5, to the wildflower horse pastures of Fremont all through school, to the largest natural lake in California and now, the glorious Sierra Foothills of El Dorado, whereI will leave my magnificent 50 acres with the 1800*s Chinese Trial along the year

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