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Hui O Hawaii of San Diego

752 Grand Ave, , , 91977

Hui O Hawaii of San Diego was organized over 35 years ago as a social club for Hawaiians away from home and all people interested in Hawaii. Today the Hui O Hawaii is a membership club which promotes Hawaiian culture and social activities with regular meetings, social events, culture classes and luaus. Founded in 1969, the HUI-O-HAWAII of SAN DIEGO was formed to preserve the cultural heritage of Hawaii, creating and fostering a spirit of Aloha between the community and the people of Hawaii by taking an active interest in civic, social and moral welfare of the community. Bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding are but a small part of this organization. Upon these principals, the HUI-O-HAWAII of SAN DIEGO conducts its continuing efforts to preserve our heritage. Some of our activities include a monthly (every third Tuesday) social dinner gathering that feature volunteer (individuals, group or family) cooks doing their favorite dish, entertainment, invited speakers, a raffle and an evening of sharing with old/new members and family.

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