Hui o Hawai'i of San Diego Summer Luau

Hui o Hawai'i of San Diego Summer Luau

From August 26, 2017 3:00 pm until August 26, 2017 8:00 pm

At Guardian Angels Parish Center

Posted by Super User


Categories: Luaus

Hits: 956

Since 1969 the Hui o Hawai'i of San Diego has been holding an annual luau. It's purpose is to not only share the cultural heritage of Hawai'i and the spirit of Aloha, but it is also one of the main events the club holds to kokua (help) the youth of our community and raise funds for the Hui O Hawaii of San Diego scholarship fund which we strive to give to youth who want to further their education (academic and cultural). We are like-minded people, creating and fostering a spirit of Aloha between the local community of San Diego and the people of Hawaii and striving to pass this on to our keiki.

We invite everyone to come and be a part of this special and authentic event with ono (delicious) 'ai (food) and come be a part of the le'ale'a (fun) that is shared by all who attend.